vineri, 28 iunie 2013

A Few Questions and Answers Regarding AKO Webmail

What is AKO?

Before explaining what AKO Webmail is, the AKO term needs to be explained. So, first of all, AKO stands for the Army Knowledge Online, which is the main intranet portal utilized by the U.S. Military, to put soldiers and Departament Army civilians in touch. It's currently known as the world's largest intranet. All AKO users, whether they are Army civilians, Reserves, National Guard, or Active Duty members, through an AKO acconut, can gain access to Army web tools, assets, and services online, can also build webpages, participate to discussions through the portal with other members, and create file storage spaces. AKO's main goal is to give the army another angle, transforming it into an informational age, by networking organizations, through various applications.

What is AKO Webmail?

AKO Webmail was created in 2004 due to several concerns of the soldiers supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom, regarding the communication with their loved ones. Through AKO Webmail, users can receive and send emails, and also benefit from other specific features. One of these specific feautures is the high degree of encryption used by AKO Webmail, which give the users the possibility of transferring sensitive information via world wide web. Other features of the AKO Webmail include file storage, live chat, the possibility to create blogs and post on them, and multiple other location-related services.

One of the AKO's biggest strengths is that it gives the possibility to all the army users to communicate, connecting from different places on Earth (Iraq, for example), and to share information regarding health matters, various publications, army rules, missions etc.

All active military soldiers are currently required to register with AKO Webmail, and at least have, if not use frequently, an AKO Webmail account.

Who can have an AKO Webmail account?

As mentioned above, to benefit from an AKO Webmail account, you must be a member of the U.S. Military, or affiliated with the U.S. Military. In other words, you can be: Army Active, Army Retired (or medically Retired), Army Reserve, DA civilian, Future Soldier, NAF Civilian, U.S. Military Cadet, Contracted ROTC Cadet.

There is also the possibility of obtaining a guest AKO account. Guests can be: Contractors, Federal Civilian Agencies, Army Volunteers, Incoming DA Civilians or Future Soldiers, Medically Discharged, ROTC Cadets (MS I and II), Homeland Security Members, Foreign Officers (who were previously attached to the U.S. Army).

How to get an AKO Webmail account?

To get an AKO Webmail account, first you have to surf to the AKO Webmail website. You will find a field "Email" a the top, on the right bar of the AKO homepage. You can also get an email, through the Army Knowledge Online Portal. Find more info, here:

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